Sabtu, 03 November 2012

Tugas minggu 6

Istilah Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) pertama kali digunakan oleh Irene Greif dan Paul M. Cashman pada tahun 1984, pada sebuah workshop yang dihadiri oleh mereka yang tertarik dalam menggunakan teknologi untuk memudahkan pekerjaan mereka.Pada kesempatan yang sama pada tahun 1987 , Menurut , CSCW mengangkat isu seputar bagaimana aktivitas-aktivitas kolaboratif dan koordinasi didalamnya dapat didukung teknologi komputer.
Beberapa orang menyamakan CSCW dengan groupware , namun yang lain mengatakan bahwa groupware merujuk kepada wujud nyata dari sistem berbasis komputer, sedangkan CSCW berfokus pada studi mengenai kakas dan teknik dari groupware itu sendiri, termasuk didalamnya efek yang timbul baik secara psikologi maupun sosial. Definisi yang diajukan mempertegas perbedaan di antara dua konsep ini:
CSCW adalah sebuah istilah generik, yang menggabungkan pengertian bagaimana orang bekerja dalam sebuah kelompok dengan teknologi pendukung berupa jaringan komputer, Perangkat keras, Perangkat lunak, terkait layanan, dan teknik.
      Computer supported cooperative work, also referred to simply as CSCW, is a term used to describe a collaborative working environment. While such involves the use of collaborative software, computer supported cooperative work actually seeks to describe the sociological and psychological impact of sharing work responsibilities electronically in addition to the human-computer interaction that must take place in such an environment. Employees participating in CSCW may do so at a shared physical location or workers may engage in such activities remotely.
Frequently referred to as e-work, computer supported cooperative work enables employees to collaborate on work-related tasks via shared computer networks, software and processes that offer real-time updates, edits and information. Workers are also able to interact with one another through group meetings and may maintain a constant connection to one another while working, whether they are in the same location or working at opposite ends of the globe. Technological advances, such as teleconferencing software, real-time chat platforms and other shared software products known as groupware can seamlessly support these efforts.

       While many people summarize the concept of a computer supported cooperative workenvironment as simply utilizing groupware, individuals who study such environments assert that the true definition of a CSCW situation involves much more. By observing group workenvironments that use a collaborative innovative network, researchers also observe the sociological and psychological impact these environments have on individual workers. In particular, researchers are interested in how such cooperative work environments help foster or hinder personal interactions among employees. How employees communicate with others via tools such as an electronic meeting system or chat software as opposed to how the same employees would interact in person is also of interest to researchers.
In addition to the social and psychological observances of a computer supported cooperativework environment, researchers and employers are also interested in how such environments tend to impact productivity and output. This is of particular curiosity since workers who engage in CSCW often do so from home and satellite locations. Such has also prompted a rise in off-site working centers that are designed specifically for telecommuting and location independent workers. In many instances, improvements in productivity that may be related to CSCW have been noted. As the technology used in computer supportive cooperative worksituations continues to improve, many expect the number of telecommutingemployees and independent work locations to do the same.
     Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is a community of behavioral researchers and system builders at the intersection of collaborative behaviors and technology. The collaboration can involve a few individuals or a team, it can be within or between organizations, or it can involve an online community that spans the globe. CSCW addresses how different technologies facilitate, impair, or simply change collaborative activities.
The CSCW community revolves around a journal and two conference series, one typically held in North America and one in Europe. Books and academic courses followed, and relevant papers appear in other conferences as well. Pointers to these resources conclude this chapter.
1.Grudin, J. (1994). "Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Its History and Participation". Computer 27
2. Wilson, P. (1991). Computer Supported Cooperative Work: An Introduction. Kluwer Academic Pub.
3. Baecker, R.M. (1995). Readings in human-computer interaction: toward the year 2000. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

4.Grudin, Jonathan (1994): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: History and Focus. In IEEE Computer,
     5.Grudin, Jonathan and Poltrock, Steven (2003): Computer-supported cooperative work and groupware. In:Zelkowitz, Marvin (ed.). "Advances in Computers". Academic Press
6.CollabTech International Conference on Collaboration Technologies, held annually in Asia
Collabtech 2011: 
7. IEEE CollaborateCom International Conference on Collaborative Computing
CollaborateCom 2011: 
8. Collaborative Technologies and Systems
CTS 2011: 
10.^Carstensen, P.H. (1999). Diakses pada 3 Agustus 2007.

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